Start Somewhere New…

What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail. I’ve always been scared of big changes. But if there was a guarantee… I would move to another country. I would pick up all the pieces I call life and start somewhere new where no one knows me. What makes it so difficult? […]

Start Somewhere New…

There’s a beauty in the silence of the one whom we love, I’ve no way to express that simple truth, even if nothing comes from him and it’s all I have left but could never cut loose.

The silence in his breathing that very cold night, listening to a heart beating sheltered under the starry lights. I felt I was in heaven, he was almost asleep yet held me close, our situation was unexpected we were as one in that blanket…my heart and reasoning were at war…I was in love.

We slept thru the night thou his arm had gone numb, I couldn’t help but feel that I didn’t want it to end nor die, I whispered time and time again to myself in that eternal silence…. I love you, I don’t want time to pass us by.

The dawn came thru and morning was alive, just thinking of the mess of myself, once I looked again our cavalry had arrived, til today I still remember that fateful night when the stars from heaven witnessed my night with an angel back then.

There’s something about that beautiful silence that comes from within from the one we love. It was mine, still is.. no one could ever take that away from my heart whose witnesses to those feelings were the stars above.

Thank you Lord for bringing back those precious moments of silence. Thank you for gifting me that one in a lifetime time chance.

Noviembre sin ti

Mi corazon podra recorrer todas las canciones hit parade que pueda haber conocido y aun cantado pero ninguna podria lograr que tu corazon se vuelva a abrir como la delicada rosa que una vez perfumó mi vida.

Es cierto lo que dice el viejo y conocido dicho “Nadie sabe lo que tiene hasta que lo pierde” y esta vez me tocó perderte al doble… este frío que me arropa y este dolor que quebranta una y otra vez regresando aun mas fuerte que sus primeros sintomas me habla y me atormenta.

Me echa en cara todos mis defectos los cuales contínuamente me analizan a mi y llegan a una conclusion. Fracasé en amar a mi manera, y no tomé en consideracion tu corazon, tu necesidad, tu deseo de conocerme una vez mas. No me percate que buscabas establecer un reino, un mundo nuevo donde nuestra historia seria distinta, seria real y ya no una como en los cuentos de hadas, sino una realidad latente y madura, reconocida y aceptada… validada ante todos.

No me comuniqué como debía, no te amé como merecías, no te dediqué el tiempo necesario para poder verlo todo crecer. Te amaba en mi corazon pero no era amarte con pasion era amarte con dedicacion y devocion como debe amar una mujer, tiempo atras no hable para no perderte sin embargo hice lo mismo y aun asi te volvi a perder…

Mi corazon no se reconcilia con la idea de esta soledad en que se halla en esta ocasion. No hay palabras que describan esta lenta agonía, que en silencio se convierte en condena y cadena perpetua sobre esta situacion.

No hallo las palabras que sean adecuadas para poder acercarme y decirte que nunca te he dejado de amar, de repente pienses que las palabras sin hechos por si solo puedan hablar, quizas me repudias y no hay puente que alcanze a llegar las Puerta de tu corazon, es muy lamentable que no me percatara antes de que existiera toda esta situacion.

Que aprendistes en esto del ejemplo mayor…puedo continuar hablando sobre la misma historia con el mismo dolor …que ya no te intereso, que ya no existo en tu vida que no hay solucion para esta separacion.

En este Noviembre frio solo quiero que sepas que las palabras y las penas me ahogan, mis pensamientos me traicionan y se me ha hecho dificil si no imposible vivir sin tu amor no me queda remedio perdi tu corazon…no pretendo que regreses, no pretendo que me quieras, pues el cariño forzado no es ni sera nunca verdadero amor.

Te escribo esta misiva para dejarte saber cuanto lamento todo el daño que te pude causar, solo pido perdon ya reconociendo que no puedo forzar tu corazon a volverme a ver como la Miri que algun día llegastes a amar.

Siempre tuya,


How are you my beloved?

tell me how is everything ?

Those were the questions

which arised in silence between us both

Are you happy now dear?

Please don’t deny or hide the truth

Because my truth is

love never came back to knock on my door…

A song from the heart

(Speaking about The Song of Songs of King Solomon)

The topic I’ve been pondering upon includes different phases and meanings about that four letter word many of us share, question, emphasize or dread to think or even mention. It might be strange to many while a surprise or confusion to others.

I’ve read this book of The Song of Songs in the Bible before and noticed it’s a beautiful yet unique language of love, an eternal ancient code of spiritual context which includes the physical and emotional concept encased within it. It binds it all in a full circle…. a cycle that cannot have one without the other.

It speaks of a battle in which the heart yearns and describes their beloved, or as many would say the object of their affection. How it troubles them to be far without reach from that intimate connection they call and believe to be love. The painful journey of telling their heart’s story to those surrounding them, in the hopes of having a lead to their current search, hoping it has a happy encounter/ending.

The other context has a spiritual meaning as well. The yearning of our body, spirit and soul with our Creator, who describes us as Beautiful and awaits our hearts to turn to Him as our sole source as confidant, as a Father who takes care of us and wishes to help guide us and correct us, lover of our souls who wishes nothing more and nothing less than to give us restoration peace and a love that can’t be broken nor contained in measure for He has none.

Our body that has passed through so many cycles as in duration of years to decades, yet our heart continues to be young and wrestles within us holding on to one feeling, though many may disagree with me upon this, hold on we may have a common ground and that might be any of the above mentioned. Or following exposed.

We begin in life as born, we live to be challenged by love to even better ourselves or have been led by love to thrive. In other cases many of us have stayed in love but haven’t learned to be loved, what it means to let go and understand that love isn’t perfect it just stays unchanged. Even if our bodies have gone through life’s metamorphosis phases, someone somewhere made and got ahold of your heart and stood there making a permanent stay. That noone else has been able to erase.

The Song of Songs chapter 8 verse 6 says “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.”

This is so clear yet comparative to having a scar or as many would think or believe a tattoo upon your arm. Yet what it really means and represents is the seal of Love.

It brands our hearts, sets them on fire, a passion for something, for others…for someone whom the sands of time still continue to drop for awaiting in time. No matter how many physical changes have come and gone.

Love while there is still time, and there is still life, for nothing is promised for tomorrow. Forgive wholeheartedly and allow Him to heal you in the process. And finally remember that the only eternal thing we have is our soul and that in His eyes and heart wishes it to be with Him. The Founder of the Truest Eternal Love Story of All…

God bless you, and keep you safe and allow us to meet again soon. Until the next…

Do I get what I want, will I want what I get?

Do you ever remember that scene in Happily Never After? Ella daydreaming of her prince, the other character (Rick) was daydreaming about her….

It’s so sad that one spends time rejecting what others so badly want…what’s worse is the crushing moment and cruel decision imposed over our hearts yet has no control over when forced to simply settle and continue being the second best…

We become the best “friend”

We become the best “part”

We become the best “everything”

Yet we will never really end up having their “heart”

We wish to lash out

We wish to say go, leave

We wish to say I’m done

We wish to cry, scream

We wish so much in that scene

We wish to say goodbye

Because I’ll never be The One….

Because we’ve grown too tired to try…